Time to add on some details. The most obvious omission at this point was a smokebox door. I tried to cut a circular piece of plasticard (40 thou) for this, but it came out a bit ovlate - ah well. Then I cut a second piece (thinner, I think, and smaller) for the door. I filed the edges and stuck it on. It was supposed to look like one part as on the model, but actually it looks like a separate door, which is probably closer to reality :) Then I cut hinges and keys from 10 thou plasticard and stuck them on. Not accurate, but not bad for an impression!
Next, the bands on the boiler (including the one which conveniently hides the gap where the boiler meets the firebox). Dead simple: cut a thin strip from 10 thou plasticard, curl around a knife, cut to length and stick in place.

Next I finished the steps - 20 thou backing stuck behind the bit I'd already cut on the side-bar, and 10 thou for the steps themselves. The steps are u-shaped, but made out of a single piece: I measured the width including sides, gently pressed in a knife to create lines where I wanted it to fold, then cut the individual step depths and folded them and glued them to the back. Nice!

Then the two toolboxes on top of the tanks (at least in the 517 pictures I've seen - that's a difference from the 14xx). These are cut from 40 thou plastic with rectangular fronts and arched sides; the roof is 10 thou (single thickness), rounded using the blunt side of a knife blade. The lock is a tiny sliver of 10 thou card - well, I like it anyway :)
This is how far I've got now. My next efforts have to be the funnel, dome, and safety valve cover, which hopefully I'll post when I've done them :)
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