I did it again - I finished my NaNoWriMo Novel, all 50,000 words of it, and two days ahead of schedule. That's three in a row! It's nice to see that I can still set myself a target and achieve it. And I'm quite happy with what I wrote, too. I wouldn't say it's any good, but at least I don't hate it (like I did last year).
The story is finished, but there's still room for me to add a bit more. The priest character (who I mentioned in a previous post) appears pretty much from no-where three-quarters of the way through the book, and I think it would add to the overall story if he appeared earlier and more consistently throughout the story. I also still haven't written the scene I mentioned earlier, or a similar scene that appears later in the book. I think both additions would add something besides wordcount to the book, but whether I'll ever get around to it is another question.
But I have to say, I am tempted to go back to my outline, work in the priest, go back to my preface, write out a proper outline for it and re-write it in a more logical order, and then maybe, start working through the body of the story itself and seeing if I can't find the very worst things about it and improve them a little. Who knows?
But the most important thing for me to do right now is to bask in the glory of success. I did it! Hooray!
The story is finished, but there's still room for me to add a bit more. The priest character (who I mentioned in a previous post) appears pretty much from no-where three-quarters of the way through the book, and I think it would add to the overall story if he appeared earlier and more consistently throughout the story. I also still haven't written the scene I mentioned earlier, or a similar scene that appears later in the book. I think both additions would add something besides wordcount to the book, but whether I'll ever get around to it is another question.
But I have to say, I am tempted to go back to my outline, work in the priest, go back to my preface, write out a proper outline for it and re-write it in a more logical order, and then maybe, start working through the body of the story itself and seeing if I can't find the very worst things about it and improve them a little. Who knows?
But the most important thing for me to do right now is to bask in the glory of success. I did it! Hooray!